Tom spoke with Gregory Donovan, Vice President Sales, Americas at ScentAir. He makes the case for incorporating your strengths into your work.
Gregory explains that Marcus Buckingham has been a key mentor for him. His philosophy is to uncover somebody’s strengths and incorporate them. He tells us that using this approach, people perform better and become more fulfilled. With this approach, people seem to do a lot better and become more fulfilled. Gregory stresses that you need to know yourself and your differentiators.
Before you get into a conversation, he thinks it’s good to think about what’s the best you can bring out of it. Gregory tells us that from a market standpoint, you need to know what you’re going after. He explains that we should think about the highly likely addressable market. This means those who are likely to buy from you.
Gregory uses technology to operationalise people’s strengths. He wants to know 2 key things, what are you working on and how can I help. He tells us that the earlier you find someone’s strength profile, the more they’ll learn about themselves. Some people apply their strengths immediately, whilst others take more time. Once you unlock it there’s no going back, people rarely say “I don’t want to know about myself”.