How Sedna’s CFO Transformed Forecast Accuracy with Kluster: An Interview with Robert Scott

Interviewer: Thank you for speaking with me, Robert. Could you start by telling us a bit about Sedna and your role as CFO?
Robert Scott: Sedna is a B2B SaaS company providing a communication platform and supply chain intelligence capability for global trade. As the CFO I am particularly concerned with ensuring we have a clear picture of the company’s performance in time to adjust plans  and that’s largely dependent on accurate forecasting. When I joined, we had a real challenge with unreliable forecasts, which made planning very difficult.

Interviewer: What were some of the biggest forecasting challenges when you first started at Sedna?
Robert Scott: Sales forecasts were very inaccurate and this was compounded by the fact that the range of estimates being made were quite wide. Deals were mostly closing at the end of the quarter, and as a result were struggling to track progress or predict the outcome until it was too late. We were essentially running blind for most of the quarter.

Interviewer: That sounds challenging. How did Kluster come into the picture?
Robert Scott: Kluster came in as a way to give us more control and visibility. One of the biggest problems we faced was that we didn’t have a clear way to track deals throughout the quarter. Finance was initially relying solely on what the sales team was saying about their own deals, without an independent way to validate those forecasts. We needed an objective tool to give us a real-time view of what was happening.

"Kluster gave us the ability to track deals early in the quarter and spot issues before they escalated. Instead of scrambling at the last minute, we could plan ahead with confidence."

Interviewer: How has Kluster helped improve forecast accuracy?
Robert Scott: Before Kluster, we had only about 30% accuracy in our forecasts. What Kluster did was give us a reliable, data-driven way to track deals, so we moved from 30% accuracy to having real confidence in our numbers. It’s not just about hitting a forecast number at the end of the quarter but about understanding the pacing throughout the quarter and receiving early warnings when deals are at risk so that we can react.

“We received an early warning that our Q1 deals were going to push into Q2, which allowed us to change the timing of our investments. Kluster’s pacing tools were a game-changer.”

Interviewer: It sounds like Kluster became a real early warning system for you. How did that change the way you plan?
Robert Scott: Absolutely. Kluster’s pacing tools gave us early indicators of whether we were on track. It transformed forecasting from just a number we aimed for at the end of the quarter to an active process that provided constant feedback throughout. If something looked off midway through, we could adjust our strategy rather than waiting until it was too late. It helped us avoid the end-of-quarter scramble and make decisions earlier, like pulling an executive sponsor into a deal, adjusting hiring plans or reallocating resources.

"Kluster’s early warnings allowed us to act proactively rather than reactively. We no longer had to wait until the last week to see if our forecasts were going to be accurate — we knew much earlier."

Interviewer: Have you seen any changes in how the sales and finance teams work together since implementing Kluster?
Robert Scott: Kluster really helped bring sales and finance teams into conversation about the forecast. Before, there was a gap between what sales was forecasting and what finance needed for planning. Kluster bridged that gap by giving us both a transparent view of the pipeline. Now we can have better conversations and collaborate more effectively because both sides are looking at the same data.

"Kluster helped start a conversation between sales and finance by giving us the same set of numbers to work from. The visibility and transparency improved our collaboration and decision-making."

Interviewer: That’s great to hear. Lastly, what advice would you give other CFOs considering a tool like Kluster?
Robert Scott: "Having a solid process around updating sales deal progression is just as important as the tool itself—it needs to be embedded in how an organisation operates. Kluster was a real forcing agent for change, pushing us to improve our data and overall approach. Once we had a structured process in place, Kluster delivered value quickly. But we had to take the time to think about what we wanted to measure and to ensure that all the teams were invested in improved visibility. "  

“It’s not just about forecast accuracy—it’s about visibility, catching issues early, and making smarter decisions throughout the quarter. After refining our data and process, we saw the value from Kluster almost immediately. It’s had a huge impact on how we plan and execute.” 

– Robert Scott, CFO, Sedna

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your experience, Robert. It sounds like Kluster has been a real game-changer for Sedna.

Robert Scott: It really has. It’s given us the visibility and control we needed to take our forecasting to the next level. I’d highly recommend it to any company looking to improve their forecasting accuracy and decision-making.

Key Takeaways from Sedna’s Journey with Kluster:

  • Sedna improved forecast accuracy from 30% to using forecasting as an early warning system.
  • Kluster’s pacing analysis throughout the quarter allowed for proactive planning and decision-making.
  • The tool helped align sales and finance teams, fostering better communication and more informed decisions across the board.

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